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5 عادات غذائية تؤدي إلى الإفراط في تناول الطعام

Generally, our fitness clients have good intentions when it comes to their caloric intake and food choices. But thanks to the rhetoric diet culture constantly promotes, such good intentions are often interpreted to be the same as restriction. The message clients overhear is less about balance and more about deprivation in some cases. Unfortunately, there […]

5 عادات غذائية تؤدي إلى الإفراط في تناول الطعام اقرأ المزيد »

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اتخاذ القرارات بشأن الصحة واللياقة البدنية

In the realm of fitness and wellness, much of our new clients’ judgment may rely on anecdotal evidence, celebrity marketing influence, short/long-term goals, and popular slogans that have woven their way into the cultural vernacular. Hard-to-break habits add to the dilemma. Read on to understand the collective feedback processes of the brain, and help your

اتخاذ القرارات بشأن الصحة واللياقة البدنية اقرأ المزيد »

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5 أشياء لا يجب أن تقولها للمدرب الشخصي

If you’ve been in the fitness industry long enough, you may field questions that would make any professional bristle. The following gems may seem somewhat offensive, but more often than not, the offender usually does not know how insulting their questions sound (usually, I said). How we respond to ingrained assumptions is how we can

5 أشياء لا يجب أن تقولها للمدرب الشخصي اقرأ المزيد »

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